About PearlJack Farm

PearlJack Farm is a 6-acre regenerative sheep and poultry farm, in West Richland, WA. The farm is owned and operated by Aubrey Gallegos. In addition to sheep, chickens, and turkeys, I have an amazing livestock guardian dog named Edna, an adorable livestock guardian dog puppy-in-training named Ori, and a loyal farm dog named Gibson (pictured above).

My goals are to:

  • Provide my animals with the best possible life, free-ranging on healthy pastures.

  • Provide my customers with delicious, nutrient-dense, pasture-raised meats they can feel good about.

  • Work in concert with our ecosystem, using regenerative practices such as: rotational grazing, multi-species grazing, preserving wild spaces on the farm for habitat for local flora and fauna, non-lethal predator deterrents, composting, and no chemical inputs.

To learn more about me and the farm, check out this news feature from KAPP/KAVW:

Once vegan, West Richland farmer regenerates land for growing poultry and lamb