About Our Grass-fed Lambs

All our lambs are 100% grass-fed and finished. During the growing season I rotate them every few days onto fresh, lush, diverse pastures. In the winter, they eat high-quality alfalfa hay. Rotational grazing gives the sheep a super healthy, diverse diet, evenly spreads their manure to naturally fertilize and recycle nutrients back into the soil, and gives the pastures time to rest and regrow. It also reduces the likelihood of parasites and disease. Rotational grazing is time-intensive, but it results in healthier sheep, a thriving sub-soil ecosystem, diverse and robust pastures, and delicious, nutrient-rich meat.

Sheep are my first love. I love their unique personalities, the way they operate as a herd, and the rewarding process of understanding and developing a partnership with them.

My sheep are katahdin/suffolk mix. Katahdin is a hair sheep that naturally sheds its wool in the summer—perfect for our hot, dry climate. They are a hardy, slower-growing breed with lovely, mild-flavored meat. They are mixed with suffolk, which is wool breed that has proven to be docile and adaptable, and grows a little faster and thicker than katahdins.

The result is wonderfully robust lambs with rich, tender, nutrient-dense meat.

What are you paying for?

  • Small-scale farming

  • Free-range and pasture-raised

  • 100% grass-fed and finished

  • Low-stress, Temple Grandin-style animal handling practices

  • Highest humane standards

  • Slower-growing breed

  • Nutrient-dense, healthier meat from sheep eating a diverse diet

  • More developed, tender and flavorful meat 

  • Regenerative farming practices

  • On-farm processing (lambs never leave the farm)

  • Local, small butchers

  • No chemical inputs, hormones, or antibiotics

  • Local, small, woman-owned business

Even buying just one, local, Grass-Fed, humanely-raised Lamb is a step towards a better food system.

Industrially produced food appears affordable, but humans, animals and the environment pay a high price. I know most people cannot afford to regularly feed themselves or their families with prices from small-scale farms whose prices reflect huge production costs and operating at the highest standards. Even replacing one meat purchase a year with higher priced but higher quality meat makes a big difference in moving us towards a better food system. I pledge to continue to work towards a food system that makes small-scale, regenerative farming affordable for both farmers and consumers. 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of changing our food system!