About Our Pasture-Raised Chickens

Freedom Rangers are a slow-growing breed that thrives on pasture. They take 2-3 weeks longer to reach maturity than conventional breeds, but the difference is worth it, both for the quality of the meat and the quality of life for the birds.

These docile, hardy, active birds run, flap, scratch, roost, forage, fly short distances, dig dust baths, and lounge in the sun. They forage on grasses, alfalfa, insects, grubs, nuts, and seeds. They free-range during the day and are kept secure at night in mobile chicken coops that I move daily. They’re protected from predators by our much-loved livestock guardian dog, Ori.

The chickens rotate behind the sheep, eating the forage the sheep left behind, reducing parasites for the sheep, and evenly spreading their rich manure. The result is thriving chickens, sheep, and pastures.

Freedom Rangers are healthier than conventional breeds, which grow too fast for their bones and organs to keep up with. Their active life foraging on diverse pastures results in more nutrient-dense, tender and flavorful meat.

What are you paying for?

  • Small-scale farming

  • Free-range and pasture-raised

  • Highest humane standards

  • Slow-growing, healthier breed

  • Nutrient-dense, healthier meat from birds eating a diverse diet

  • More developed, tender and flavorful meat 

  • Regenerative farming practices

  • Local, small butchers (birds travel for less than 20 mins)

  • No chemical inputs, hormones, or antibiotics

  • Local, small, woman-owned business

Even buying just one, local, pastured, humanely raised chicken is a step towards a better food system.

Industrially produced food appears affordable, but humans, animals and the environment pay a high price. I know most people cannot afford to regularly feed themselves or their families with prices from small-scale farms whose prices reflect huge production costs and operating at the highest standards. Even replacing one meat purchase a year with higher priced but higher quality meat makes a big difference in moving us towards a better food system. I pledge to continue to work towards a food system that makes small-scale, regenerative farming affordable for both farmers and consumers. 

Thank you for choosing to be a part of changing our food system!